Friday, January 21, 2011

From where I've been to where I'm heading

… I was back in Vancouver for a few days and it felt good, it felt like home. As I was walking down Main Street this morning on my way to the airport I couldn’t help but thinking about sequential moments of my life there over the last two year or so. I was picturing our crazy nights out, our gathering for brunch, our bike or snowboard trips, my foolish heart breaks, my biking to work all year round, our barbecues on the beach… It made me smile, but a bit nostalgic as well. I realized how much I’m going to miss it. Not only the amazing city and its beautiful playground, but most importantly the people I’ve met, the people I’ve come to know and love. I arrived in Vancouver two years ago and never thought I’d find it so hard to leave now. I arrived in Vancouver never hoping to make my life what it is now. I arrived in Vancouver with a guy, who is no longer in my life and no longer in Vancouver for that matter, but thanks Nate for having been part of it, for having made me go out of my way, out of my comfort zone to go live in Van. I’ve learnt a lot about myself over the last two years, I went through many mood swings, to finally end up happier than I’ve ever been. I know myself a little better, I’ve managed to live, work and love in another language; I’ve managed to be part of an incredibly dynamic group of people at work and outside of it; I’ve managed to understand that I can’t have everything I want, but that I need to appreciate the things I have; and, hopefully I’ve managed to be a little more humble, and accept the step backs that come my way… and if not, well I’ll learn it the hard way in my upcoming adventure.

Moving to Vancouver was certainly one of the best things that happened to me, even though it was far from being the easiest. A close friend of mine says that nothing worth comes easy and that what you want most won’t come cheap… I think he’s right, sometimes struggling and going through a rough period makes you appreciate more what you’re fighting for. I remember how scared I was to move at the other end of Canada, with no friends, no home, no family but eventually, with a bit of patience and some tears, everything worked out for the best. Having this in mind makes me feel confident that no matter how much I’m going to struggle in Malawi, things will eventually settled and I’ll be having the experience of a lifetime and the biggest smile on my face…


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

C'est un magnifique témoignage Geneviève, ça m'a fait du bien de te lire. Je te souhaite bonne chance et tout le bonheur du monde dans ta nouvelle avanture.
Marie-Hélène xx