Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Ndi funa phunzira Chichewa -> I want to learn Chichewa

Pre-departure training has officially started. Here we are, in Toronto for the past few days, having a looooooot of work and information being throwned at us. We are seven people, all really amazing. Seriously we have a good team and we’ll be having fun. Four of us will be working in Malawi, two will be going to Ghana and one will be sent to Burkina. Although I’m learning tons every day, it’s quite overwhelming as we have learning sessions and workshops during the day and assignments at night. On top of all this work, I still need to read other documents about our WatSan projects in Malawi and learn to speak Chichewa…which is not easy, it sounds like nothing I know. Thanks to Jordan and Lisa for their motivation. So far, I think we’ve been learning about 4-5 words a day… haha, at this pace, I’ll be leaving for Malawi knowing  less than 150 words. We’ll have to come up with a better strategy. So I’ll go back to work now, I just wanted to give you guys a quick update. I’ll try to write more about our learning sessions and my thoughts this weekend; I need some time to digest the information and what I’m getting out of it.

Also, on a very exciting note, my plane ticket is booked. I'll be leaving on March 1st at night, arriving in Lilongwe on the 3rd, via London and Johanesburg. CAN'T WAIT 


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